Tuesday, May 31, 2011

More tests

My second set of tests will be June 8th. My doctor sounds worried and that has made me worried. I can't get interested in anything for worrying. I wish I felt better but it is not knowing that makes you nuts. I've been trying to get the tests moved up to no avail. Guess I just have to wait it out. UGH!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Even though we are still here...

Yep. That guy was wrong about Jesus coming back yesterday. However He is coming back soon. Whether it is soon as we see it or soon as They see it remains to be seen. Gotta be ready, though. You have to have Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Seriously, there is NO margin for error here. What was it that Ken Keesy (sp) said in the '60's: You are either on the bus or you are off the bus. (Obscure cultural reference: see The Electric Kool-aid Acid Test by Wolfe).

If you are uncertain how to do this, check out my archived entries. I think it is the first one I did.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Yesterday kinda stunk!

Well, the title tells it all. Yesterday my doctor calls and says your mammogram results came in with some "calcification"s. Plural. As in more than one. Mammogram. Who comes up with these names anyway. Mammogram sounds like you are mailing your boobs some where, doesn't it? I now wait to hear from them so that they can schedule more tests. Fun. What a lousy day!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Way too tired

I am way too tired for the work I've done. Can't figure it out. When it gets after 4PM, I just tucker out.

I think I'd like to take some sort of Bible class. I'm going to check out veritas' stuff and maybe get me a book.

Finally found the bible broadcasting network radio station. I think I'll trade in listening to Mr Glenn Beck for that. Don't get me wrong, I love Mr. Glenn, but I get so depressed listening to how bad the world is.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Goodbye, Eloise

My dearest sweet cat, Eloise has died. I hope God likes his tummy massaged, because Eloise loved to do that. She had taken to hiding in the closet in the last six months. At first we thought we were haunted because the closet door would be mysteriously open. I guess she decided that's where she would like to die. That's where we found her. So not goodbye Eloise, but I'll see you later, Eloise.

PS: If you think (or know) that our house pets do not go to heaven, DO NOT tell me about it. I'm happy the way I am.

Saturday, May 7, 2011


I just got to watch "The Wonderful World of Tupperware"! Man, I wish I lived in the '50's. For me, the more choices I have, the more confused I get. I'd have been much better off if the "woman's lib" thing never happened. Now women are expected to do everything. Not only raise the kids and clean the house, but also to work a job on top of that. PLUS, look like a super-model. Thanks you bra-burners! Thanks for nothing!!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Lucy's back

The goose we raised from a small baby five years ago is back with her mate and five babies. It's always good to see her.

Hey! If you are interested in learning varied household and garden stuff, remember to check out Homestead Blessings. Soap making, gardening, canning, and lots more. Good stuff, great people! Don't forget to check out the bonus features and the outtakes at the end of each episode are a scream!

I've been up since 4:30am, stupid barking dog!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

More garden news

Got okra and corn peeking out from the ground. I know, no one is impressed cause that's what I planted and that's what is coming up. I'm still amazed. God is good, isn't He?

Put more canned food into the storm shelter. It's really nice and cool down there. I'm looking forward to it in August when it is miserable hot here.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Absolutely nothing

Have you noticed that if you turn on your TV in the morning and don't like to start off your day with news, you have a choice between vampires and witches. Whatever happened to the TV shows that were fun, entertaining, or *gasp* moral. What I wouldn't give to have a show like they had back in the fifties or sixties.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

I forgot!

I also love onions and Hee Haw. I'm also a little sad, because it is so close to the end. I kinda wanted a long happy life but I guess a short happy one will have to suffice.