Thursday, June 16, 2011


Isn't it wierd when you dream you have a cough and awaken with a cough. Did I give it to the dream or did the dream give it to me? Yeah, I know. I was probably coughing in my sleep and incorporated it in my dreams.

Read any good books lately? I'm reading a couple: The Homecoming by Earl Hamner, Jr. and Little House on Rocky Rodge by MacBride. I've gotten in a few moldy-oldies, too: The New Woman written in 1895 and The Girl Today, The Woman Tomorrow written in 1932. The first one is about "bloomer girls" and the second is an etiquette book.

On the health front, I'm asking my doctor where I can get a thermogram in lieu of a mammogram. It seems that a cancerous tumor will actually grow its own blood vessels in order to feed itself which makes them warmer than the surrounding tissue and thus visible to a thermogram. Thermograms have no radiation. I don't really know if they hurt or not. Hope not.

Snoeflake the goat died last week of unknown cause. Just up and died. The rooster day before yesterday of lead poisoning. Donny got tired of being attacked by the rooster and shot him.

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